Installation view of Moment VII: To See The Lights, photos by Shimmer
Installation view of Moment VII: To See The Lights, photos by Shimmer
Installation view of Moment VII: To See The Lights, photos by Shimmer
Installation view of Moment VII: To See The Lights, photos by Shimmer

Artists-in-residence program Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, 10 August - 15 September 2014
Presentation #01, 13 August 2014
Only a moment; a moment of strength, of romance,
of glamour –of youth
… A flick of sunshine upon a strange shore,
the time
to remember,
the time for a sigh, and
-Joseph Conrad
Nirat, type de littérature thaïe, poésie lyrique.
Le règne du roi Narai (1656–88), considéré comme la période d’apogée de la littérature thaïe à la cour, voit le développement du genre littéraire et poétique dit « Nirat ». Ce style poétique se spécialise autour des thèmes du voyage, de la longévité amoureuse et de la séparation, en particulier autour de l’oeuvre de Si Prat intitulée « khlong kamsuan »...
Nirat, a genre of Thai literature, Lyric Poem
King Narai (1656–88) is seen as a golden era, in which writers were welcomed at the royal court, and new verse forms were developed; some of the most highly regarded nirat poems—a genre characterized by the themes of journeying, separation, and love-longing—date from this period, including Si Prat’s famous Nirat khlong kamsuan...
1. The vehicle is outward... (interior appearance), 2012-2013
Video file and Plasma television
80 images, duration 6.40 minute (loop)
2. You are around, Selected images from 2007 - 2009, 144 images,
Black and white offset print, 64 pages, 28 x 37.8 cm
3. Made by shadows, Selected images from 2010
56 images with 7 drawings, Black and White offset print booklet, 80 pages, 12 x 19 x 0.5 cm
4. Join, 2012
Layout of 37 images, printed catalogue, 7 sheets, each 18.6 x 14.1 cm.
participate with Vasutida’s LGBT memorial, P Teoy, Mintra, Can Dan Esan, Vickteerut, Ray
5. The vehicle is outward... (interior appearance) PORT CITIES BLUES 211/7.02 version, 2014
Video file and Plasma television, 211 images, Duration: 07.02
Video: Pathompon Tesprateep
A documentary of Chonburi/Bangkok/Yokohama 27/5/14 - 29/5/14, 31/5/14, 20/6/14 - 4/7/14
Written by Apirak Jianpinidnun, Karn Sethakorn and Chiemi Yoshida
Recorded at Yin Yang Studio, Chiang Mai, Thailand and Yokohama. Japan
Mixed and Mastered at Koganecho, Yokohama. Japan
6. Mountain wind / I Wish, 2011
Collaboration with Santiphap Inkongngam and Toon from Sibsongbanna autonomous prefecture
Color photograph, Lamda print on aluminum, 16 x 24 cm.
7. Ballad, 2014
Photo book, 141 images, 4 colors digital print
120 pages, 23.5 x 16.5 cm.
8. TOUR magazine, 2014, The Coast Issue, Rainy Season
9. Almost Blue, 2012
Scarf, inkjet print on India cotton, 96x151 cm.
Nobody has ever
even poets
how much a
can hold
-Zelda Fitzgerald
Presentation #02, 30 August 2019
in Trio Petrichor concert (harp, flute and violin) from Australia, Worry and Love (erasing process) No.4/07 and No.19/14 on screen

Presentation #03, 11 September 2014
The Centre Intermondes building, is also known as Hôtel Pontard. In French context, an hôtel is a townhouse of a grand sort. The word Hôtel was reflected in the English mediaeval word “inn” for the townhouse of a nobleman, now surviving only as used in Inns of Court, particular meaning “personal” or “private” Whereas an ordinary maison (house) was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hôtel particular was often free-standing, and by the 18th century it would always be located entre cour et jardin, between the entrance court, the cour d’honneur, and the garden behind. The area of Hôtel Pontard is including a Renaissance building with two Cherry Blossom trees and 2 square gardens. The Hôtel Pontard building housed a bank in 1896, then a tourist office and remains a city landmark since 1748. And since 2004, the place is now used by Centre Intermondes, an international art residency dedicated to contemporary artistic creation, cultural meetings and gatherings. The installation presented on Thursday 11 September 2014, at Salle rouge (The red room) decorated to be the bank director’s office in 1896.
List of works
- The Moon in La Rochelle, 2014, Color photograph print on Dibond, 41 x 61.5 cm.
- The Songs, 2014, 22 photographs took from Paris in 2010, 3 print text on papers, pink paper folder and black leather box, size variable
- Conclussion II, 2014, Black and white photograph print on Dibond, 36.5 x 54.7 cm.
- Jonathan/Christophe/David, 2014, Color photograph print on Dibond, 32.5 x 57.7 cm.
- Boys’s box, 2014, 8 photographs took from Paris in 2010 in black envelope in black leather box
print size 10 x 15 cm. and 8.5 x 10.2 cm., envelope size 12 x 24 cm., box size 22 x 27.5 x 5 cm.
- 2 Persian carpets, 238.5 x 347 cm. and 200 x 292 cm.
- Conclussion II, 2014, 96 images, 2 pages offset print on paper, 36 x 52 cm., 300 editions
All the works based on research, sightseeing and living in La Rochelle, 2014: Centre Intermondes, Museum d’Histoire naturelle de La Rochelle, Musées d’Art et d’Histoire de La Rochelle, Le Bunker and Centre des Monuments nationaux and in Paris, 2010: Palace of Fontainebleau, Opéra National de Paris-Garnier, Arc de Triomphe, Le Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées, Paris Metro, République, Le Marais, Les Halles, Ecoute (Listen) public sculpture by Henri de Miller.

This is the song
song of innocence and experience
On some shallow story of deep love: How young Leander cross’d the Hellespont.
or a deep story of a deeper love: For he was more than over shoes in love,
over boots in love,
oh how he loved
Oh, he went to prison
in every country he set foot in
with all those beautiful Tattoos of ships and tattoos of tears
seduced by moon light
with frustrated passion
with wonderful words
located on his head
Eating ice cream in a desert dream
And getting lost in father’s singing
Swimming in the waves of intimacy
Too hot inside
Too hot outside
And then
the sun was never shine
and the fields were bleak and bare
and the ways were filled with thorns:
it was eternal winter there
This is the song
of all those criminal beautiful boys
No more of those

in light
of all that is
in undiscovered
there’s something
the charm
fauna from coast
to botanical garden
riches multitude
how long
In spite of all the love inside
there is the question
how long

Do you know that when you look at me.
It is a salvation.
I am spacing out with you,
feeling very warm in the mid night street car,
with the rhythms of your new song
and smoking a cigarette
Be on my side
I’ll be your side
It’s hard for me.

19 - 25 August 2014
"In this way, images would no longer be seen as simple metaphors added simply to make up for the insufficiencies of conceptual language. Images of life would be at one with life itself. Life could be known no better than by the production of its images. The imagination, then, would be the best possible standpoint for meditating on life…Then everything becomes clear at once: it is the psyche’s drive that possesses the continuity of duration. Life is content to swing back and forth. It swing between need and the satisfaction of need…"
- Gaston Bachelard
8 August - 24 September 2014
Based on research, sightseeing and living in La Rochelle : Centre Intermondes, Museum d’Histoire naturelle de La Rochelle, Musées d’Art et d’Histoire de La Rochelle, Le Bunker, Centre des Monuments nationaux, La Rochelle train station, in Paris : Gare de Châtelet – Les Halles, Saint Eustache, Eglise des Halles, Eglise de la Madeleine, Rue Saint-Honoré, The Tuileries Garden, Palais Royal, Quai Malaquais, Musée d'Orsay, The Fondation Pierre Bergé - Yves Saint Laurent, Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and Muscat Seeb International Airport
Special thanks to Elise Patole-Edoumba, Annick Notter, Melanie Moreau, Benoit Etienne, Guy Martiniere, Chitti Kasemkitvatana, Edouard Mornaud, Christophe Béranger & Jonathan Pranlas-Descours, David Ricordel, Alvaro Fuente Ibañez, Toufik Oi, Emanuelle Négre, Gonzalo Garzo Fernández, Niwat Manatpiyalert